No fue fácil, pero gracias a 20 puntos sin respuesta, los Steelers lograron un triunfo clave este doingo ante Cleveland, por lo que los Playoffs aún lucen como una posibilidad con una marca de 7-5. Pittsburgh hizo las jugadas necesarias en este juego y una vez más la defensiva respondió al final. Aquí te dejamos el análisis del partido:
¿Qué se puede destacar?
20 puntos sin respuesta
Lo que más me gustó de los Steelers en este partido fue la capacidad de respuesta en una situación complicada. Los Browns consiguieron una ventaja de 10-0 con 7:40 por jugar en el segundo cuarto, sin embargo reaccionaron, sobre todo con jugadas grandes a la ofensiva y presionando al QB, para construir una ventaja de 20-10 al inicio del último cuarto.
A pesar de que el juego se definió en la última serie, con una intercepción de Joe Haden, estos 20 puntos sin respuesta fueron la historia de este partido y se evitó que los Browns consiguieran su primer triunfo desde 2003.
Otra vez James Washington a la ofensiva
Washington está aprovechando su oportunidad y se ha convertido en el mejor jugador ofensivo de este equipo. Una vez más sus pases profundos fueron la clave para esta ofensiva y además de la sorprendente anotación de 30 yardas que tuvo al final de la primera mitad, también aportó con otra atrapada de 44 yardas.
En total terminó el partido con 4 recepciones para 111 yardas y una anotación.
Brillante actuación de Bud Dupree
El linebacker de los Steelers fue una pesadilla para Baker Mayfield. Fue líder del equipo con 1.5 sacks, además de provocar un balón suelto que evitó puntos de los Browns. También aportó seis tackleadas, la segunda mayor cantidad de la defensiva.
Devlin Hodges aún no conoce la derrota como titular
El QB novato no tuvo la mejor de las actuaciones, pero supo mover a la ofensiva en los momentos clave del juego. Hodges confió en su brazo y fue bastante preciso en pases profundos, aunque cometió un error durante el último cuarto al lanzar una intercepción.
Aún así esta ofensiva puso 20 puntos en el marcador por primera vez en los últimos cuatro juegos y tiene una marca de 2-0 como titular.
¿Qué salió mal?
Inicio lento
Este partido parecía que iba a ser muy complicado, ya que los Browns se vieron dominantes durante gran parte de la primera mitad y construyeron una ventaja de 10-0 a la mitad del segundo cuarto. Sin embargo el equipo, en especial la ofensiva, despertó y se logró darle la vuelta al marcador.
Los castigos
No fue el juego más disciplinado para los Steelers, en donde se cometieron 10 castigos para 65 yardas. Afortunadamente no fue factor en el partido, pero es difícil ganar partidos tan cerrados cuando se regalan yardas al rival.
El MVP del juego
Bud Dupree - LB
Una de las jugadas más importantes de este partido fue el balón suelto que provocó Dupree en el tercer cuarto cuando los Browns se acercaban a empatar el marcador. Pittsburgh no sólo evitó los puntos, sino que sumó más a la ventaja que al final resultó ser lo suficiente para ganar el partido.
¿Qué sigue?
Una visita clave ante los Cardinals, un equipo que está en último lugar de la NFC West. Este año los Steelers van 1-2 en contra de esa división.
Game action photos from the Steelers' Week 13 game against the Cleveland Browns at Heinz Field

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.

A 2019 regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns on Sunday, December 1, 2019.