Los Pittsburgh Steelers cayeron ante los Detroit Lions 24-17 en el último partido de la pretemporada de la NFL. El equipo lució muy bien durante el arranque del partido, en el que mientras vimos a los titulares se notó una gran mejoría sobre lo que vimos en los partidos de preparación pasados, especialmente en la ofensiva del primer equipo.
"No cumplimos con nuestra misión, pero cumplimos con muchas cosas que teníamos pendientes, ritmo para nuestros titulares, cuando nos sentimos cómodos con lo que vimos le dimos espacio al resto de los jugadores que están buscando un lugar. Estoy contento con las tareas cumplidas pero no hicimos las jugadas suficientes para asegurar la victoria", comentó Coach Tomlin ante los medios de comunicación después del partido.
Vamos a platicar más a profundidad.
El partido arrancó con una serie ofensiva con el equipo titular dentro del terreno de juego, encabezados por Russell Wilson. Fueron solamente cinco jugadas que necesitaron los Steelers para poner el primer touchdown del partido. La jugada clave sin duda fue la tercera y once que se convirtió en un primero y diez de 32 yardas con un pase de Wilson a Jorgito Pickens, quién corrió una extraordinaria ruta. Un par de jugadas después la línea ofensiva abrió una avenida, especialmente destacamos el trabajo de Isaac Seumalo (#73), que le dejó el camino libre a Cordarelle Patterson para el touchdown terrestre de 31 yardas.
"Creo que lo más destacado fue que la línea hizo un gran trabajo en el juego por tierra, hicieron un gran trabajo de protección en los pases e hicimos jugadas grandes, obviamente GP (George Pickens) con esa conversión de tercera y once corriendo una gran ruta", comentó Russell Wilson en una entrevista durante el partido.
Posteriormente la defensiva también se lució, y otra vez Herbig destacó, en esta ocasión provocando un balón suelto.
Justin Fields entró en la segunda serie ofensiva, la serie empezó en la 35 de Detroit, la unidad entró en ritmo de inmediato, Justin Fields lanzó un dardo a Pruitt de 22 yardas que dejó al equipo en zona de gol y fue La' Mical Perine quién anotó en una carrera read option de una yarda muy bien leída por Fields.
El marcador era 14-0.
Todavía con Fields en el campo y tras las grandes series con las que arrancó nuestra línea ofensiva llegó el error de comunicación cuando Fraizer centró el balón antes de que Fields estuviera listo y provocó un despeje de Pittsburgh para terminar la racha anotadora de la ofensiva.
Shoutout a la defensiva que registró 4 sacks en la primera mitad.
El juego se cerró para ambos equipos y no fue hasta que faltando cinco minutos los Lions pusieron puntos en el marcador con un touchdown, para la siguiente serie ofensiva de los Steelers, Kyle Allen fue golpeado y perdió el balón y la posesión del mismo y los Lions aprovecharon para empatar el partido antes de que terminara la primera mitad.
En la segunda mitad hubo varios destellos buenos por parte de los Steelers, buenos pases de Kyle Allen en terceras oportunidades, los equipos especiales lucieron seguros y la defensiva siguió presionando con todo al quarterback contrario, siempre con el ritmo de juego bien definido.
Hubo un par de castigos de Joey Fisher en la serie ofensiva con menos de tres minutos y siete puntos abajo en el marcador que nos obligaron a patear y ya no tuvimos oportunidad de empatar el marcador. Detalles todavía por corregir para el arranque de la temporada.
No hubo lesiones de gravedad reportadas al final del partido, solamente el susto que nos hizo pasar Ryan Watts al final del partido, pero pudo salir bajo su propio pie y se reporta bien.
El siguiente paso para el equipo es definir el roster de 53 jugadores el próximo 27 de Agosto y prepararse para el partido contra los Falcons el 8 de septiembre en la semana 1 de la temporada regular de la NFL.
¿Qué fue lo que más les gustó del equipo en la pretemporada? ¿Qué falta por mejorar?, los leemos en redes sociales. No se pierdan todo el increíble contenido en español que tenemos para ustedes.
Here we go!
Game action photos from the Steelers' Week 3 preseason game against the Detroit Lions at Ford Field

Pittsburgh Steelers running back Najee Harris (22) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver George Pickens (14) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver George Pickens (14) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back/kick returner Cordarrelle Patterson (84) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back/kick returner Cordarrelle Patterson (84) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Justin Fields (2), Pittsburgh Steelers running back/kick returner Cordarrelle Patterson (84), Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Dan Moore Jr. (65), and Pittsburgh Steelers center Zach Frazier (54) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Chris Boswell (9) and Pittsburgh Steelers punter Cameron Johnston (5) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Jalen Elliott (34) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end DeMarvin Leal (98) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Keeanu Benton (95) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end MyCole Pruitt (81) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers punter Cameron Johnston (5) and Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Chris Boswell (9) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end DeMarvin Leal (98), Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Keeanu Benton (95), and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Larry Ogunjobi (99) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end DeMarvin Leal (98), Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Nick Herbig (51), and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Dean Lowry (94) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Jalen Elliott (34) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Nick Herbig (51) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Justin Fields (2) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back Cory Trice Jr. (27) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Elandon Roberts (50) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back La'Mical Perine (38) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Nick Herbig (51) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Zach Frazier (54) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Damontae Kazee (23) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back La'Mical Perine (38) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Damontae Kazee (23) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Jalen Elliott (34) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back La'Mical Perine (38) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Justin Fields (2) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Broderick Jones (77) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end DeMarvin Leal (98) and Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker Julius Welschof (48) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Montravius Adams (57) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Montravius Adams (57) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Isaiahh Loudermilk (92) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Dean Lowry (94) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker Julius Welschof (48) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Mark Robinson (93) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Jacoby Windmon (45) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback John Rhys Plumlee (18) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Kyron Johnson (53) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Marcus Haynes (38) and Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Kiondre Thomas (35) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back La'Mical Perine (38) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers kicker Matthew Wright (8) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Dez Fitzpatrick (82) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Jalen Elliott (34) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton (20) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton (20) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Beanie Bishop Jr. (30) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Kyle Allen (4) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Van Jefferson (11) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Jaray Jenkins (21) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back Zyon Gilbert (31) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Van Jefferson (11) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Jacob Slade (79) and Pittsburgh Steelers safety DeShon Elliott (25) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker Julius Welschof (48) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Jaray Jenkins (21) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back Zyon Gilbert (31) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton (20) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker Julius Welschof (48) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton (20) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Quez Watkins (16) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker LuQuay Washington (40) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Jacob Slade (79) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Quez Watkins (16) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Quez Watkins (16) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Jacob Slade (79) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Jacoby Windmon (45) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive lineman Jacob Slade (79) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Quez Watkins (16) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Jacoby Windmon (45) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman TyKeem Doss (72) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker LuQuay Washington (40) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers punter Cameron Johnston (5) during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense during a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin following a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Alysa Rubin / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Prayer circle following a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin following a preseason game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Detroit Lions, on Saturday August 24, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)