Por primera vez en la historia del equipo, los Steelers inician una temporada con una marca de 8-0. Y mantener el invicto no fue para nada fácil esta tarde en Dallas ya que Pittsburgh estuvo abajo por casi 58 minutos, hasta que Eric Ebron anotó en un pase de 8 yardas de Ben Roethlisberger.
Y aún así se tuvo que llegar hasta la última jugada del encuentro para salir con una victoria, pero una vez más la defensiva ayudó a mantener el invicto. Este es nuestro análisis del partido:
Impresiones del partido:
Otro susto para los Steelers
No es sobrerreacción decir que este equipo podría estar 5-3. Por tercera semana consecutiva un partido de Pittsburgh se definió en las últimas jugadas y hubo algunas decisiones que pudieron cambiar el rumbo de este partido para mal.
De nuevo, este equipo desapareció por varios momentos de este juego (sobre todo en el primer y tercer cuarto) y tuvo que necesitar no sólo del brazo de Big Ben, sino de varias grandes jugadas defensivas para vencer a unos Cowboys que debutaron a un QB con nula experiencia, sin varios miembros clave de su línea ofensiva y con una de las peores defensas de toda la liga.
La marca de los buenos equipos de la NFL es ganar a pesar de que no todo sale bien, y los Steelers han demostrado que pueden hacerlo, sin embargo los picos que muestra Pittsburgh (tanto en lo positivo como en lo negativo) podrían ser letales en contra de un rival que ejecute mejor.
T.J. Watt sigue siendo imparable
Las estadísticas no le hacen ningún tipo de justicia a Watt: 1 tackeada 0.5 sacks. La realidad es completamente diferente, ya que el linebacker de los Steelers fue una de las principales razones por la cual esta defensiva pudo contener a Dallas durante la mayor parte del juego. El número 90 mantuvo presión constante durante todo el juego, con 3 golpes al QB y tres pases defendidos.
En general Watt y el resto de la primera línea defensiva de los Steelers lograron incomodar lo suficiente a Gilbert para generar errores (como la intercepicón) y evitar que Dallas encontrara la zona de anotación de forma constante.
Otra gran actuación de Big Ben
El equipo no sólo evitó un desastre en la primera mitad al ver que su QB titular salía lesionado de la rodilla, sino que Big Ben fue el catalizador que revivió a la ofensiva en este juego, ya que completó el 69% de sus pases para 306 yardas y tres anotaciones, incluyendo un gran pase profundo a JuJu Smith-Schuster y la anotación de la victoria a Ebron.
Esta ofensiva aprovechó no sólo los pases cortos que le dio la secundaria de Dallas, también las yardas después de la recepción. Lo mejor de todo es que durante la segunda mitad (y específicamente en el último cuarto) Big Ben mostró que está perfectamente sano, consiguiendo 15 puntos sin respuesta para darle la victoria a los Steelers.
Los Steelers no pudieron correr contra la peor defensiva de la NFL
Este es un dato para preocupar, ya que Dallas llegó a este encuentro como la peor defensiva por tierra de la NFL. Pittsburgh sólo consiguió 46 yardas en 18 intentos y el acarreo más largo del equipo fue una escapada de Big Ben de 8 yardas.
¿Qué se puede mejorar?
Equipos especiales
No fue una buena tarde para los equipos especiales de Pittsburgh. Se fallaron dos puntos extra (uno por bloqueo), un castigo anuló lo que hubiera sido el primer gol de campo fallado de Chris Boswell en toda la temporada (y conectó una patada de 59 yardas en la siguiente jugada) además de que permitieron que Dallas tuviera 2 regresos espectaculares: uno de 73 yardas en una jugada de engaño con una lateral que milagrosamente no terminó dentro de la zona de anotación y un regreso de 64 yardas de kickoff en una patada que fue corta por un castigo.
Esa pudo ser la diferencia entre mantener el invicto o la primera derrota de la temporada.
El momento clave del partido
La intercepción de Minkah Fitzpatrick
Hubo muchos y podría haber elegido la última jugada de este partido, pero creo que todo cambió a partir de la intercepción de Minkah Fitzpatrick en la zona roja. 11:54 por jugar, los Cowboys a 5 yardas de anotar. Cam Heyward logra presionar a Garrett Gilbert, quien lanza un pase a las manos del safety. No sólo se evitaron los puntos de Dallas (un TD habría sido letal), sino que esa serie ofensiva terminó en un gol de campo que acercó a los Steelers 18-19.
El MVP del juego
La defensiva dentro las 30 yardas finales
Si, aquí fue la clave de la victoria: estos fueron los resultados del ataque de los Cowboys dentro de las últimas 25 yardas:
- 1Q - FG de Zuerlein desde la yarda 20
- 2Q - TD de Gilbert a CeeDee Lamb
- 2Q - FG de Zuerlein desde la yarda 26
- 3Q - FG de Zuerlein desde la yarda 27
- 3Q - FG de Zuerlein desde la yarda 22
- 4Q - Intercepción a Gilbert
- 4Q - Pase incompleto de Gilbert, fin del partido
Lo más importante es que este equipo no sólo sigue invicto, sino en control tanto de la división como de la Conferencia Americana. Los Steelers están 8-0 por primera vez en su historia y aunque muchas veces no ha sido sencillo, "eres lo que tu récord dice" si tomamos las palabras de Bill Parcells.
Sin embargo, así como hay muchas cosas positivas de este equipo (Big Ben, la defensiva en momentos clave), también hay muchos factores para preocuparse, comenzando por el hecho de que estuvieron perdiendo por más de 57 minutos en contra de uno de los peores equipos de toda la NFL.
Los Steelers tiene momentos en donde se ve dominante en todas las fases y lapsos terribles en donde no lucen como una franquicia que quiere ser contendiente al título de la NFL. Pero nadie esperaba una primera mitad de temporada con marca perfecta.
¿Se pueden arreglar las fallas? Me parece que si, ya que considero que el talento de este equipo es el suficiente para ser dominantes por mayores lapsos. La siguiente semana hay una prueba interesante en contra de los Bengals.
Game action photos from the Steelers' Week 9 game against the Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) and Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Matt Feiler (71) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Ray-Ray McCloud (14) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Chukwuma Okorafor (76) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Joe Haden (23) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defense during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers punter Jordan Berry (4) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Alex Highsmith (56) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams (98) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defense during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense huddles during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Matt Feiler (71) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense huddles during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense huddles during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers guard David DeCastro (66) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Jordan Dangerfield (37) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers punter Jordan Berry (4) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

\Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers guard David DeCastro (66), Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Chukwuma Okorafor (76) and Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back Anthony McFarland Jr. (26) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Terrell Edmunds (34) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams (98) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Olasunkanmi Adeniyi (92) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers running back Anthony McFarland Jr. (26) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

[s7\during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams (98) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39), Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Steven Nelson (22), Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Avery Williamson (51) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back James Pierre (42) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39), Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Steven Nelson (22), Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Avery Williamson (51), Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back James Pierre (42) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Isaiah Buggs (96) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39), Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Steven Nelson (22), Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Avery Williamson (51) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back James Pierre (42) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver James Washington (13) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Ray-Ray McCloud (14) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver James Washington (13) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph (2) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Marcus Allen (27) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense huddles during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver James Washington (13) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver James Washington (13) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Vance McDonald (89) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Sean Davis (21) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Diontae Johnson (18) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Vance McDonald (89) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers guard David DeCastro (66) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Fans during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams (98) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Fans during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Marcus Allen (27) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Terrell Edmunds (34) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Terrell Edmunds (34) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Vance McDonald (89) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Carlos Davis (73) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Vince Williams (98) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Robert Spillane (41) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Henry Mondeaux (99), Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) and Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Steven Nelson (22) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Cameron Sutton (20) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Carlos Davis (73) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Chase Claypool (11) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Carlos Davis (73) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) and Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Alex Highsmith (56), Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91)and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) and Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) and Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) and Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva (78) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7), Pittsburgh Steelers guard David DeCastro (66), Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Chukwuma Okorafor (76) and Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7), Pittsburgh Steelers guard David DeCastro (66), Pittsburgh Steelers offensive lineman Chukwuma Okorafor (76) and Pittsburgh Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey (53) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) and Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster (19) and Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers offense huddles during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Carlos Davis (73), Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt (90) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Karl Roser / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Bud Dupree (48) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers tight end Eric Ebron (85) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Caitlyn Epes / Pittsburgh Steelers)

Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward (97), Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Alex Highsmith (56), Pittsburgh Steelers safety Minkah Fitzpatrick (39) and Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end Stephon Tuitt (91) during a regular season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020 in Dallas, TX. (Joshua Gateley / Pittsburgh Steelers)