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Make your Pro Bowl vote count

As with so many things this year, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the NFL's annual Pro Bowl.

With safety at the forefront, the league canceled the annual game, which was slated to be played at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Jan. 31.

While the game won't be played, players who are having an incredible season will still be honored as Pro Bowl teams will be selected as in years past.

Fans can begin to vote for the Pro Bowl from Nov. 17-Dec. 17 on And with the season many Steelers players are having, it's time for fans to do their thing and get out and vote.

A secondary social vote portion will begin on Dec. 1 and run through Dec. 17 on Twitter. All public tweets, and retweets, that include the voting requirements outlined below count as a vote, and votes within the final 48 hours count as double.

For votes on Twitter to count, they must be public and include one of the follow methods used in the sample below:

• #ProBowlVote + Player Name (e.g. #ProBowlVote TJ Watt)
• #ProBowlVote + #PlayerName (e.g. #ProBowlVote #TJWatt)
• #ProBowlVote + @PlayerUsername (e.g. #ProBowlVote @_TJWatt)
