Steelers.com is now accepting questions for Ask The Steelers, a feature where fans get to email in questions for selected Steelers players and we take them to the players for their answers. The player(s) listed below are the only ones we are currently accepting questions for.
Only one question per person - please do not ask multiple questions in your email.
We will select the questions from all of those submitted. More players will featured throughout the next month.
To submit your question please please click on this link and send an email to:
– Daniel Sepulveda - rookie punter
(Be sure to put Ask The Steelers - Daniel Sepulveda - on the subject line of your email)
feedback@fans.steelers.com – Matt Spaeth - rookie tight end
(Be sure to put Ask The Steelers - Matt Spaeth - on the subject line of your email)
Please include:
Your name - First and Last
City and State
You must be at least 18 years of age to submit a question.
Please send in questions only for the player(s) listed above.