

CARDINALS QUOTES Thursday, January 22
Russ Grimm
On what he attributes to the growth of the offensive line and run game:
"It all depends on how the game pans out in the first quarter. There have been games where we fell behind and got away from the run. There have games where we jumped ahead in the playoffs that let us run a little bit more. But just the fact these guys have been here for two years and luckily we've been healthy, so they have all played together. The consistency factor has been good and they're a lot more confident in the offense we're running – this is their second year in it. We just have to keep working and it goes one day at a time."
On Lyle Sendlein:
"Lyle caught on quickly last year. He was a rookie last year and we liked the fact that he was a free agent and he started four years at the University of Texas – so that was a big plus for us. We knew the toughness factor was there, he was smart enough and he picked it up and played a couple of games for us last year and then really went to work in the offseason and made some big strides forward as far as this year in camp. (Former Cardinal) Al (Johnson) got hurt, Lyle stepped in and that's where it's been ever since."
On whether his and Head Coach Ken Whisenhunt's knowledge of Pittsburgh helps:
"Both teams have an extra week to prepare. You know the defense – (Pittsburgh Defensive Coordinator) Dick (LeBeau) brings it from everywhere. You turn it one way one time and he'll bring it on the backside and you turn it back there and they'll bring it on the front side, so it becomes a bit of a guessing game. Knowing the personnel probably helps a little bit better than anything else, but with the extra week, I think everyone knows everyone pretty well."
On practicing against Dick LeBeau:
"I've always been a guy, even here last year in training camp – some teams go to camp and they say, 'can you just play a plain nickel defense until I get everyone on the same page.' But I'm just the opposite – it's like, 'go ahead and bring it, we're going to see it during the year, lets start picking it up now and see how we handle it and what adjustments we need to make and we'll go from there.'"
On what the practices were like:
"Some of them you're going to turn people loose. But there are certain rules that you give them – there are different number counts, they disguise it from one side and bring it from the other. You have to look for tendencies and little things that will help you and Kurt (Warner) does a good job getting the ball out."
On Deuce Lutui:
"There's always going to be questions and you always like to have competition behind someone to push the guy in front, but Deuce has picked it up. He started a couple of games his rookie year, so last year was really his first year. Plus it was a whole new system, so he had to learn two systems in his first two years in the league, which is tough on a rookie. But he's picked it up. I think everyone is more confident assignment-wise and a little more comfortable with who they're playing beside and you've got to take it one play at a time."
On his relationship with Head Coach Ken Whisenhunt:
"We played together in Washington. He was a friend of mine and he was a teammate. We were on the same page as far as the system we were running under (Joe) Gibbs and (Dan) Henning, but he went to the Jets, Browns and bounced around. But when he came back to Pittsburgh, the last six years we were together built the relationship a little bit better."
On whether he's talked to Bill Cowher or any current Pittsburgh coaches:
"No. I have friends back there and some of the players have friends – I coached with a lot of those guys for six years. We had some good times, we won a championship in Pittsburgh and a lot of those guys are still there, they're good friends and you always wish them well – except for this coming one."
On whether he stays in touch with Cowher much:
"A little bit, but not as much as I'd like to. But that's by design. He's retired, he's relaxed, he's doing his TV thing and it's good to see. A guy who has coached and had that much success, to be able to walk away when he wants to walk away from it and decide if he wants to get back in when he wants to get back in it – I think that's great."
On if the line reflects his personality:
"I hope not. We've got some characters, so I hope it's not my personality."
On Steelers defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau:
"Coach LeBeau has been around a long time. He's played the game, he's coached it for a long time, with a bunch of different clubs and some good defenses and I think the guy is still a student of the game. He studies film and he has certain things he knows hurts offenses. I was with him in Pittsburgh, so I know his work ethic and we're going to have our hands full picking up some of the things they throw at us."
Kurt Warner
On how practice went today:
"Not as good as I wanted. It's one of those things you kind of expect. The last few days have been busy, taking care of everything you have to and taking a few days off. I can understand how guys' minds might wander a bit but it's something that we'll have to get better as we move forward."
On what the biggest piece of advice he can share with the team:
"Enjoy the moment. There is a lot of stuff that goes on down there that can be a distraction and you can allow it. To deal with the media or deal with the fans when you go out, having to sign autographs. You don't want to shut yourself off and look at everything as a negative and affect your preparation, compared to what you would do on a normal week. Enjoy the moment, understand what it is and prepare for the fact that you're going to be asked for autographs when you're at the hotel. Prepare that you're going to get a million questions from the media and they're going to be the same ones. Don't get frustrated by it. Let it be and enjoy the moment."
On if it is gratifying to help a guy like Adrian Wilson reach the Super Bowl?
"It's gratifying to be a part of what we've accomplished this year and to get to this point. Guys have played well and coaches have coached well and people within the organization who have worked hard and never been there before. It's gratifying to be a part of that and watch them get that opportunity because you know how special it is."
On what he thinks about the situation with Anquan (Boldin) and Todd (Haley)?
"I don't think anything more about it. Those things happen. I don't know how many times. It is what it is. You move forward and go back to work like we did today. To all of us, it's over with. (The media) are the ones hanging on to it. Once you leave the field it's over and you try and win a championship."
On what he feels it does to Anquan's reputation:
"I know him and that's all I can base it on. I've had plenty of people make assumptions on me about something that I'm not and that's what it is. It's one of the things that happens when you're in this business. People are going to have perceptions of you that aren't necessarily true and there's nothing you can do about it. The one thing I can say is that the people who know him – the guys in the locker room – know who he is and know that what happened on the field is what happened on the field and it's over. We love the guy and we know what a character guy he is. The funny thing is you see what he's done all year and the character he's displayed all year and one instance, that I've had six times this year, becomes a defining point of the season is crazy. He's too great of an individual."
On taking a lot of abuse and if he is staying in better shape:
"It's one of those things. Sometimes you can play with injuries and sometimes you don't. In my career, I haven't suffered any serious injuries except for my right hand. I can play through a lot of things, but not to my right hand. It all worked together for a purpose… to get here and for the next few weeks."
On Larry Fitzgerald's ability to get open and the trust they have developed with each other:
"The trust comes from an understanding of what he does and what he does well. He's so good with the ball in the air. I know what it takes for Larry to be open. I can put it in certain places where only he can get it or a place where I know he can get it. With that you have the ultimate confidence. If you put it in the right spot, he's going to make a play on the ball. I've seen him do it time and time again. All he has to do is get a step on you and he's so big and strong and athletic that he's going to get it. I understand what it means for different guys to be open and for Larry to be open. We try to take advantage of that."
On when he discovered what he just described:
"It took a few years. When I first got here Josh McCown kept telling me that. Open for these guys is a little different. You can throw it up there and they'll get it. Coming from where I was with Isaac (Bruce) and Torry (Holt), I could always tell someone was open based on the separation they got from the defensive back. When I saw some of Josh's throws I asked 'What made you make that throw. It looked like he was covered.' As I worked with these guys I came to understand you can make that throw. It's one of those things I've had to change in my game with these guys because they play the game a little different that other receivers I've played with. It took me well over a year to understand that. I can put the onus on them by putting the ball in the right spot and letting them go make plays."
On how the running game is different from the regular season:
"Confidence. It's all about believing what you can do. We gain confidence every week that we can run the ball. I don't know what clicked. In the last few games we just found that we were having success. Now we're running a little more and the guys up front have more confidence and the guys in back are getting more patient waiting for the line. Each week we gain more confidence and we can be a more balanced football team."
On how much of that is about Edgerrin James:
"Edge is a huge part of it. The way he runs and his ability to make something out of nothing are huge keys. The difference between a zero yard gain and two yard is huge within the course of a drive. He does that as well as anybody. I've seen him when there's nothing there but he puts his head down and moves the pile. He's been a huge key to that."
On how practice went today:
"Not as good as I wanted. It's one of those things you kind of expect. The last few days have been busy, taking care of everything you have to and taking a few days off. I can understand how guys' minds might wander a bit but it's something that we'll have to get better as we move forward."
On what the biggest piece of advice he can share with the team:
"Enjoy the moment. There is a lot of stuff that goes on down there that can be a distraction and you can allow it. To deal with the media or deal with the fans when you go out, having to sign autographs. You don't want to shut yourself off and look at everything as a negative and affect your preparation, compared to what you would do on a normal week. Enjoy the moment, understand what it is and prepare for the fact that you're going to be asked for autographs when you're at the hotel. Prepare that you're going to get a million questions from the media and they're going to be the same ones. Don't get frustrated by it. Let it be and enjoy the moment."
On if it is gratifying to help a guy like Adrian Wilson reach the Super Bowl?
"It's gratifying to be a part of what we've accomplished this year and to get to this point. Guys have played well and coaches have coached well and people within the organization who have worked hard and never been there before. It's gratifying to be a part of that and watch them get that opportunity because you know how special it is."
On what he thinks about the situation with Anquan (Boldin) and Todd (Haley)?
"I don't think anything more about it. Those things happen. I don't know how many times. It is what it is. You move forward and go back to work like we did today. To all of us, it's over with. (The media) are the ones hanging on to it. Once you leave the field it's over and you try and win a championship."
On what he feels it does to Anquan's reputation:
"I know him and that's all I can base it on. I've had plenty of people make assumptions on me about something that I'm not and that's what it is. It's one of the things that happens when you're in this business. People are going to have perceptions of you that aren't necessarily true and there's nothing you can do about it. The one thing I can say is that the people who know him – the guys in the locker room – know who he is and know that what happened on the field is what happened on the field and it's over. We love the guy and we know what a character guy he is. The funny thing is you see what he's done all year and the character he's displayed all year and one instance, that I've had six times this year, becomes a defining point of the season is crazy. He's too great of an individual."
On taking a lot of abuse and if he is staying in better shape:
"It's one of those things. Sometimes you can play with injuries and sometimes you don't. In my career, I haven't suffered any serious injuries except for my right hand. I can play through a lot of things, but not to my right hand. It all worked together for a purpose… to get here and for the next few weeks."
On Larry Fitzgerald's ability to get open and the trust they have developed with each other:
"The trust comes from an understanding of what he does and what he does well. He's so good with the ball in the air. I know what it takes for Larry to be open. I can put it in certain places where only he can get it or a place where I know he can get it. With that you have the ultimate confidence. If you put it in the right spot, he's going to make a play on the ball. I've seen him do it time and time again. All he has to do is get a step on you and he's so big and strong and athletic that he's going to get it. I understand what it means for different guys to be open and for Larry to be open. We try to take advantage of that."
On when he discovered what he just described:
"It took a few years. When I first got here Josh McCown kept telling me that. Open for these guys is a little different. You can throw it up there and they'll get it. Coming from where I was with Isaac (Bruce) and Torry (Holt), I could always tell someone was open based on the separation they got from the defensive back. When I saw some of Josh's throws I asked 'What made you make that throw. It looked like he was covered.' As I worked with these guys I came to understand you can make that throw. It's one of those things I've had to change in my game with these guys because they play the game a little different that other receivers I've played with. It took me well over a year to understand that. I can put the onus on them by putting the ball in the right spot and letting them go make plays."
On how the running game is different from the regular season:
"Confidence. It's all about believing what you can do. We gain confidence every week that we can run the ball. I don't know what clicked. In the last few games we just found that we were having success. Now we're running a little more and the guys up front have more confidence and the guys in back are getting more patient waiting for the line. Each week we gain more confidence and we can be a more balanced football team."
On how much of that is about Edgerrin James:
"Edge is a huge part of it. The way he runs and his ability to make something out of nothing are huge keys. The difference between a zero yard gain and two yard is huge within the course of a drive. He does that as well as anybody. I've seen him when there's nothing there but he puts his head down and moves the pile. He's been a huge key to that."
On how his days off were:
"Good – I went to see a movie."
On what movie he saw:
"'Gran Torino.' I heard all the other movies weren't very good."
On what he makes of the negative publicity surrounding him:
"For me it's hilarious. I don't want to sit here and dwell on it, because for me it's in the past, but that's something goes on every week in the NFL – whether people know it or not. Every week someone on the sidelines gets in an argument. But it's in the heat of the moment, it's a part of football and once it's all done, it's dead on both sides. Like I said, it's not something I wish to dwell on or will let distract this team, because that's not my priority."
On celebrating after the NFC Championship Game:
"I celebrated and I celebrated with my teammates – I just tried to avoid this (the media). But me leaving earlier than everybody else seems to have made it worse, but it is what it is. The guys in the locker room know what kind of guy I am and they know exactly what went on."
On whether he has addressed the team about the sideline argument:
"No. Like I said, it's common and once it's done, it's done. There's no need to dwell on it and go back and forth."
On whether he's spoken to Offensive Coordinator Todd Haley about their argument:
"No – like I said, there's nothing to talk about. You can ask me 100 times, but there's really nothing to talk about."
On whether in retrospect he wishes he had stayed on the field:
"Yeah – but like I said, I congratulated everyone on the team before I left. And I didn't want this to be a distraction, which is why I tried to get out early."
On what happened with the sideline argument:
"I was mad because they took me out of the game. I think any competitor would have the same reaction. A game of that magnitude, how close the game was and us potentially driving to score a touchdown – I want to be in there. That's just the type of guy I am."
On whether he wasn't in on the last drive because of his hamstring:
"I was able to run the entire day. I didn't feel like my injury played a part in anything. I was able to finish the game, came out of it healthy and didn't have any problems after the game or the next day. I felt like I was fine."
On arguing with Haley being a common thing with the team:
"He's gotten into it with a couple of guys. Like I said, it's normal. He gets into it with Kurt (Warner), he gets into it with defensive players, he gets into it with tight ends and he gets into it with other coaches. It's common around here. So for me to be getting calls from everyone saying, 'everyone is blowing it up and making a big deal out of it,' – it was funny to me. My little brother called me and I had a couple of cousins call me and they were mad, saying 'did you hear what Jim Rome said?' But I don't really pay attention to that, because it was a minute thing and people took it and ran with it."
On his reaction after seeing the footage of the argument:
"That it was common. It's something that was really minute, but guys got a hold of it and tried to blow it up."
On how the argument is an example of something small being blown up this far into the playoffs:
"Most definitely. There are only two teams left now, so all the attention is on those two teams. Week one we didn't have this many (media) out here. The attention has grown. Do you have to be careful? I guess so. But at the same time, you can't alter who you are. You can only be you and let the rest take care of itself."
On his injury:
"I'm fine. My hamstring is not an issue at this point."
On whether he is still mad for being taken out of the last drive:
"No. It's a new day, we're in the Super Bowl – which I'm excited about – so no, I'm not mad."
On saying 'next question,' when asked about coming back to Arizona next season:
"The reason I said, 'next question,' to that was because we had just won the NFC Championship. We're going to the Super Bowl and a guy brings up a question of, 'are you coming back next year?' First of all – that's out of my control. I'm playing in the Super Bowl."
On the last few days:
"We really didn't have a lot of time off – we got the tape of Pittsburgh and got started with those guys. It's going to be a difficult game, a tough team to prepare for, but we're just really, really happy for the opportunity."
On whether he's spoken with Anquan Boldin:
"I think it's a non-issue. I think people are making a lot out of nothing and that type of stuff happens all the time. 'Q' is very dedicated to this team and very dedicated to the people that play on the team, so I think it's a non-issue."
On Boldin:
"He's a standup player and whenever you get into a situation like that, maybe he needed some time to cool off. Maybe it was something he didn't want to hurt it any more than what everyone is making it out to be. But 'Q' is a standup guy and I think it's a non-issue."
On being in this situation:
"It feels great. It's a sense of accomplishment and I think everyone is happy for the opportunity. It's a great opportunity for the franchise and a great opportunity for a lot of the guys on this football team."
On whether there were years he thought this would never happen:
"All the time – but you always keep hope and you always keep faith in the team and the organization."
On the confidence he has in the coaching staff to break down the Steelers:
"They've been doing a great job all year breaking down teams and I think this week it'll be no different. We're prepared for these guys and I think we'll have a pretty good game plan going into the game."
On whether having former Pittsburgh coaches is an advantage:
"I think it is, but if the players don't know what the coaches know, then we're kind of behind the eight ball. We definitely have to get in there and study and know everything the coaches know."
On saying Monday that the Boldin situation had to be taken care of before leaving for Tampa:
"It's taken care of. It's a non-issue. It's Thursday and it happened Sunday, so we're moving on."
On whether Boldin addressed the team:
"No. Everyone knows the type of guy that Anquan is, so for us, it's a non-issue. Everybody in the locker room knows the type of guy Anquan is and the type of player he is, so for us, as players, we don't think it's an issue."
On how you defend Ben Roethlisberger:
"It's tough. He's a tall and big quarterback. It's hard for us, or any defender, to bring him down. He does a great job of looking off the safety and he's been in that offense for quite a long time now, so we're going to have our hands full. Luckily for us, we've got enough time to try and prepare and hopefully we'll have a good game plan going into the game."
On what makes Roethlisberger so dangerous:
"He can read coverages and whenever you have a quarterback who can make the right reads and get the ball in the right areas, it's hard to contain a guy like that. We've just got to make sure we're on our P's and Q's."
On his celebrating with Karlos Dansby:
"It's just something Karlos and I thought of. I made the play and got the guy to do it, so it was a lot of fun."
On Dansby:
"I hope we can re-sign him. To me, I think he's one of the top five players on this team. And whenever you have a guy like that who kind of comes into their own, you always want to keep your own in-house and do the things necessary to get guys locked up and get guys signed for the long haul."
On the 2004 draft:
"It took them some time to develop. Those guys had pretty good coaching and have developed into some pretty good players. Whenever you have a core group of guys like we do have now, it's very beneficial for the whole team. The team can kind of come together and build together and you're able to have the type of camaraderie with the guys that you already have in-house and bring in a good draft. Just having guys on the same page and knowing you have guys you've played with in the past and not having to rotate guys in and out of key positions."
On people still doubting the team:
"It's cool. It's been like that the whole playoffs and it's just fuel for our fire. It's a great opportunity for us to play in the Super Bowl."
On how he has evolved as a player and a leader:
"I'm getting a lot more interviews. For me, it's just keeping my head down, working hard and trying to be an example by the way I work. I've always been like that, I never downplayed the organization or ever talked bad about them, because this is somewhere I want to be and somewhere I want to finish my career and it's all about working and making the team better."
On Kurt Warner:
"It's a great opportunity and we have a chance to showcase some of the guys and some of the leaders we have in the locker room. With Kurt being able to go to a Super Bowl before and give guys like me an opportunity to do things like this and open up and show the world the type of people we have. We have quality people and good character guys in that locker room and just being able to be on the national stage and being able to showcase who you are as a person – it's great. To me, Kurt is the ultimate team player and my hat is off to him, because he does a great job of getting guys ready for these situations."
On who his mentor has been for the playoffs:
"For me I always listen to what Kurt has to say. He's been on the big stage and just being able to take in the things he's said leading up to the game. Not getting over-hyped about these interview sessions, not getting overly concerned about the game plan, because obviously a lot of it is going to be done this week and the distractions you'll have next week, you have to put a lot of those things aside to get ready for the game. That's what I think everybody in the locker room is concentrating on – getting prepared for this football game and cutting down on the distractions."
On being so committed to the Cardinals:
"I also have a wife and two kids. You never want to move your family around – you want to be as stable as possible. For me, I think it's very important and important for my kids, more than anything, to have those grounded roots and not have to move around everywhere. Just the dedication that you have to one place I think is very important. It means a lot for your character."
On the Arizona winters:
"I've been here for awhile and obviously my winters have been worse, since we haven't been practicing this late. It's great to finally get this opportunity."
On Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie:
"I hope I have a pretty calming influence on him. I believe he's a very confident player and he does a great job of listening to the veteran players – not only me, but Rod Hood, Ralph Brown and a lot of other guys that we have in the locker room. Being a calming influence on him and helping him grow and come around that learning curve so he can be a consistent player. I think he's done a great job this postseason."
On Rodgers-Cromartie:
"He's an ascending player and hopefully he'll continue to get better for us."