En un duelo lleno de drama y grandes jugadas defensivas, Pittsburgh logró frenar a Tom Brady y los Patriots en múltiples ocasiones dentro de la yarda 20, lo cual fue vital no sólo para conseguir el triunfo 17-10, sino para mantener vivas sus aspiraciones de Playoffs, además de romper una racha de tres derrotas consecutivas. Este es el análisis de este importante triunfo:
La defensiva tuvo una actuación brillante
La razón por la que los Steelers ganaron este partido fue por una brillante actuación de la defensiva. Aunque no todo comenzó bien, ya que hubo un grave error en el TD de 63 yardas durante el primer cuarto. Sin embargo después de eso limitaron a uno de los mejores equipos de la NFL a tan sólo 3 puntos. La ofensiva de New England sólo convirtió tres de 10 intentos en tercera oportunidad, además de que Joe Haden tuvo una intercepción en zona roja que evitó la remontada de los Patriots en el último cuarto. Keith Butler hizo una trabajo espectacular esta noche.
Jaylen Samuels tuvo un partido espectacular
El corredor fue el héroe de la ofensiva esta noche. Tuvo 142 yardas en 19 acarreos y dos recepciones para 30 yardas, incluyendo un pase en tercera oportunidad que ayudó al equipo a mantener el control del reloj. Gran parte del éxito de esta temporada para los Steelers viene en partidos cuando pueden correr el balón de forma efectiva. En total el equipo terminó con 158 yardas por tierra en 25 acarreos, promediando 6.3 yardas por acarreo
Se mantiene el control de la AFC North, por el momento
La victoria fue clave por muchas razones, pero la principal es que los Steelers siguen como líderes de la división y dieron un paso muy importante en las aspiraciones de Playoffs. Antes del partido los Ravens ganaron en contra de Tampa Bay y obligaba al equipo a conseguir un triunfo esta noche. Al menos rumbo a la Semana 16 Pittsburgh está en control de su destino en la división.
Adiós a la racha negativa contra New England
Este partido terminó una racha de cinco derrotas consecutivas en contra de los Patriots, incluyendo Playoffs. Además los Steelers lograron vencer a dos de los tres rivales que les ganaron la temporada anterior (Patriots y Jaguars), por lo que la revancha tiene un sabor un poco más dulce. Además complicaron el panorama de postemporada de New England, quien en este momento tendría que jugar la ronda de Wildcard.
Día de altibajos para Ben Roethlisberger
Si, fue un partido agridulce para el QB de los Steelers. Tuvo grandes pases, como la anotación de Antonio Brown o los envíos a Juju Smith-Schuster y al novato James Washington. Pero también cometió dos graves errores en las intercepiones que mantuvieron a New England con vida en este partido.
Chris Boswell logró sobreponerse a sus errores
Sin duda uno de los momentos más tensos de este partido fue durante el intento de gol de campo de Chris Boswell con 2:35 por jugar. Boswell ya había fallado una patada en el tercer cuarto y tenía la presión de conectar el intento de 48 yardas, de lo contrario le daría una excelente posición de terreno a los Patriots para poder ganar el partido. El pateador hizo su trabajo y los Pats se fueron abajo por 7, lo cual resultó vital para ganar el partido.
La disciplina fue fundamental
Esta tarde los Steelers no regalaron mucho a New England. El equipo sólo tuvo cuatro castigos en todo el partido, para 40 yardas. De hecho los Patriots tuvieron su peor actuación en ese departamento, con 14 para 106 yardas. Aún hay mucho que corregir, pero el equipo de Mike Tomlin hizo un espectacular trabajo en ese departamento.
Jugador del partido
Jaylen Samuels - RB
Creo que en general la defensiva también dio un gran juego, pero Samuels fue especial, sobre todo en la segunda mitad del partido. El novato generó 7.5 yardas cada vez que tocó el balón por tierra y 15 por recepción. En este partido fue él quien mantuvo el control del juego y logró hacer que Tom Brady no tuviera tanto tiempo para atacar a la defensiva.
A la alza
La defensiva. Se logró no sólo vencer a un rival complicado, sino que se hizo de forma contundente con una defensiva que había sufrido las últimas semanas para detener al rival. Fueron 368 yardas de ofensiva total de New England, pero en los momentos importantes estuvieron fuera de la zona de anotación.
A la baja
Chris Boswell - K
Si, metió la patada importante, pero sigue teniendo dificultades. Es algo en lo que se tiene que trabajar rumbo a los Playoffs.
¿Qué sigue?
Un muy complicado juego contra New Orleans. Los Saints están invictos en el Superdome y son uno de los mejores equipos de la NFL. Necesitan seguir ganando para asegurar tener todos los partidos de Playoffs en casa, aunque sean los campeones de la NFC South.
Game action photos from the Pittsburgh Steelers' Week 15 game against the New England Patriots at Heinz Field.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.

A 2018 Regular Season game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New England Patriots on December 16, 2018.