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The Irish Steelers Podcast

Welcome to The Irish Steelers Podcast!

Céad Míle Fáilte and welcome to the first episode of The Irish Steelers Podcast. It's fair to say Irish eyes are smiling as we welcome Michael, Jimmy and Dave to the podcast. The team will bring you closer to the action throughout the upcoming 2023 season. They will also engage with Steelers fans from Ireland and beyond.

This podcast has been launched in line with the Pittsburgh Steelers entry into the Irish market for the NFL Global Markets program. The NFL's 'Global Markets Program' allows the Steelers to be active across the island of Ireland. Over the coming year, the Steelers plan to re-launch an initiative started by Dan Rooney years ago, flag football. Flag is a part of the team's overall international strategy and is easy to play for young people of all ages. The Steelers also plan to enact other events, including watch parties and other football education experiences.

We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like to interact with the podcast, please message us on Twitter, Instagram or TikTok under the username 'SteelersIreland'.

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