Take a look at some photos from the 2016 Ladies Night out held at Heinz Field

Heinz Field was rocking on Sunday afternoon when the Steelers defeated the Cincinnati Bengals, 24-16, but the energy was just as strong on Monday night when the team hosted the annual Ladies Night Out, presented by Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC.
"This is our first time here," said Sabrina Padula, who traveled from Phoenix, Arizona with her best friend Nacole Baize. "We do a best friend trip out here every year. We have always wanted to come to this event, but it's never been on the same weekend that we have been here since we have to travel so far. We got the email about it after we got the tickets to the game and said we have to go.
"This trip has been over the top. It's been very exciting. We love the energy when we come to Pittsburgh. Everybody is so nice. And this event, we are so excited."
The Steelers have an incredible female fan base, and the sold out crowd represented in their jerseys, shirts, jackets, hats, even items just purchased from the team's Sideline Store at Heinz Field.
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"There are just as many Steelers' female fans as men, if not more," said tackle Alejandro Villanueva. "It's the way this town is. Even when you go outside of the Pittsburgh area, the daughters that moved elsewhere, families that might have moved elsewhere, they keep it going. It's appreciated by all of us. It makes Steelers Nation the best in the world because of that legacy and pride that started in Western Pennsylvania back in the day."
Villanueva and running back Le'Veon Bell were the featured speakers at the event, answering an array of football questions, and even others focused on their love of Pittsburgh.
"It helps Steelers Nation grow strong when we have so many female fans," said Williams. "It helps guys out when their wives, significant others cheer on their favorite team.
"It's amazing seeing that the women know just as much about football as guys do. We recognize that women stand around the water cooler and discuss football. We sometimes feel like they don't have the same information as we do, but they bust our bubbles because they know just as much as men, if not more in some cases. They dedicate themselves to learning about it."
After hearing the two current players speak, the ladies had the opportunity to meet former Steelers Josh Miller, Gerry Mullins and Mike Wagner as well as tour the locker room and make a stop on the field for photos and more.
"I think it's cool having all the female fans together," said Baize. "Guys expect it, but ladies, it's nice because you all share the same common interest. You hear the stories about trips. It's a lot of best friends together. Like them, we get to enjoy it together.
"I don't know what I was more excited about the game or this. I have goose bumps talking about it."